This dataset includes country-specific level routine task intensity (RTI) measures by occupations at the 1- and 2-digit levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO). It combines survey-based estimates of RTI, developed by Lewandowski et al. (WBER 2022), and regression-based predictions for countries without required survey data, developed by Lewandowski, Schotte, and Park (2023). The dataset covers 102 countries across the development spectrum.

Please cite the following two articles when using the data:

Lewandowski P., Park A., Hardy W., Du Y., Wu S., 2022, Technology, Skills, and Globalization: Explaining International Differences in Routine and Nonroutine Work Using Survey Data, The World Bank Economic Review, 36(3), 670–686,

Schotte, S., Park, A., Lewandowski, P., 2023, The global divergence in the de-routinisation of jobs,  in: Gradín C., Lewandowski P., Schotte S., Sen K., Tasks, Skills, and Institutions – The Changing Nature of Work and Inequality, 33-51, Oxford University Press,