Jakub Sokołowski
Piotr Lewandowski
Jan Frankowski
Publications category:
How to Avoid Another Yellow Vests movement? Evaluating Preferences for a Carbon Tax with a Discrete Choice Experiment
Using a a discrete choice experiment with 10,000 people in Poland, we examine public preferences for policies to achieve energy security and climate change mitigation goals in the context of the energy crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We find a strong aversion to carbon tax, only slightly mitigated by redistribution. Income, trust, and age shape preferences for climate and energy policies, and for redistribution mechanisms.
Piotr Lewandowski
Wojciech Szymczak
Publications category:
Automation, Trade Unions and Atypical Employment
We study the effect of the adoption of automation technologies – industrial robots, and software and databases – on the incidence of atypical employment in 13 EU countries between 2006 and 2018. Industrial robots significantly increase atypical employment share, mostly through involuntary part-time and involuntary fixed-term work. There's no effect of software and databases. Higher trade union density mitigates the robots’ impact on atypical employment, while employment protection legislation plays no role.
Piotr Lewandowski
Katarzyna Lipowska
Mateusz Smoter
Publications category:
Mismatch in preferences for working from home – evidence from discrete choice experiments with workers and employers
Published in:

Accepted in ILR Review

We study workers’ and employers’ preferences for remote work, estimating the willingness to pay for it using discrete choice experiments with more than 10,000 workers and more than 1,500 employers in Poland. Both workers and employers prefer hybrid over fully-remote work. However, only 25-35% of employers – those with positive views on remote work productivity and high-quality talent management – value remote work costs in line with workers’ willingness to pay, particularly in non-routine cognitive occupations.
Piotr Lewandowski
Karol Madoń
Deborah Winkler
Publications category:
The role of Global Value Chains for worker tasks and wage inequality
Published in:

The World Economy, 47, 4389–4435

We study the relationship between global value chain (GVC) participation, worker-level routine task intensity, and wage inequality within countries. Using survey data from 34 countries and instrumenting for GVC participation, we find that higher GVC participation is associated with more routine-intensive work, especially among workers in offshorable occupations. This indirectly widens within-country wage inequality. However, GVC participation directly contributes to reduced wage inequality, except in the richest countries. Overall, GVC participation is negatively associated with wage inequality in most low- and middle-income countries that receive offshored jobs, and positively in high-income countries that offshore jobs.
Piotr Lewandowski
Katarzyna Lipowska
Mateusz Smoter
Publications category:
Preference for working from home – subjective perceptions of COVID-19 matter more than objective information on occupational exposure to contagion
Published in:

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 112, 102264

We investigate how subjective and objective assessment of COVID-19 risks affect preferences toward working from home (WFH). We conducted a discrete choice experiment combined with an information provision experiment with more than 11 000 workers in Poland. Estimating willingness to pay for WFH, we find that the subjective assessment of COVID-19 risk matters more than objective occupational exposure. Informing workers about occupational exposure to contagion generally does not affect preferences toward WFH.
Myrielle Gonschor
Ronald Bachmann
Karol Madoń
Piotr Lewandowski
Publications category:
The impact of robots on labour market transitions in Europe
Published in:

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 70, 422-441

We study the effects of robot exposure on worker flows in 16 European countries between 1998-2017. Overall, we find small negative effects on job separations and small positive effects on job findings. We detect significant cross-country differences and find that labour costs are a major driver: the effects of robot exposure are generally larger in absolute terms in countries with relatively low or average levels of labour costs than in countries with high levels of labour costs.