Stata do file to allocate ISCO-08 and ISCO-88 occupations, at the 2-digit and 3-digit level, to five occupational task groups, based on the dominant O*NET task in an occupation.

– There are five task groups: non-routine cognitive analytical, non-routine cognitive personal, routine cognitive, non-routine manual, and routine manual;

– We allocate occupations based on the dominant task. For instance, we classify an occupation as routine manual if the routine manual task intensity of that occupation is higher than the intensities of other task content measures; as routine cognitive, if the routine cognitive task intensity is the highest; and so forth.

The allocation was created by Lewandowski et al. (2020).

Please cite the following article when using the do file and the occupational task group definitions:

Lewandowski P., Keister R., Hardy W., Górka S., 2020. Ageing of routine jobs in Europe. Economic Systems, 44 (4), 100816,