COVID-19 vaccines have proven highly effective in protecting against serious disease and death. Yet despite their introduction, Poland’s COVID-19 mortality rate remains high. This results from Poland’s lower vaccination rate compared to other EU countries – especially among people aged 70 or more who are at the highest risk from COVID-19. Over one million Poles aged 70+ remain unvaccinated, and they account for the majority of deaths from COVID-19. Vaccinations halved the number of COVID-19 deaths in Poland in 2021 as compared to what would happen if a vaccine would not be available. People aged 70 and over made up the vast majority of prevented deaths. Vaccinating people aged 70+ is a much more effective method of lowering COVID-19 mortality rates than vaccinating people of working age. Increasing vaccination rates in the former age group would noticeably lower COVID-19 mortality in Poland. However, this would require an intensification of support efforts on a local level, including providing the elderly with comprehensive assistance in the vaccination process.