Job quality gaps between migrant and native gig workers: evidence from Poland

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Zuzanna Kowalik
Piotr Lewandowski
Paweł Kaczmarczyk
Publication year:
Publishing series:
IBS Working Paper
Publishing number:
WP 09/2022
Publications category:

The gig economy has grown worldwide, opening labour markets but raising concerns about precariousness. Using a tailored, quantitative survey in Poland, we study taxi and delivery platform drivers’ working conditions and job quality. We focus on the gaps between natives and migrants, who constitute about a third of gig workers. Poland is a New Immigration Destination where networks and institutions to support migrants are weak. We find that migrants take up gig jobs due to a lack of income or other job opportunities much more often than natives, who mostly do it for autonomy. Migrants’ job quality is noticeably lower in terms of contractual terms of employment, working hours, work-life balance, multidimensional deprivation, and job satisfaction. Migrants who started a gig job immediately after arriving in Poland are particularly deprived. They also cluster on taxi platforms which offer inferior working conditions. The gig economy can be an arrival infrastructure, but its poor working conditions may exacerbate the labour market vulnerabilities of migrants and hinder mobility to better jobs.

Additional information:

We thank Barbara Jancewicz, Arina Vasilenko, Yana Moldovan, and Ignacy Jóźwiak for their invaluable help with data collection and Agata Górny and Jan Drahokoupil for their valuable comments on the survey. The European Social Fund financially supported this paper – Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, as a part of the “System for forecasting the Polish labour market” project. The European Social Fund bears no responsibility for the results and the conclusions, which are those of the authors. The usual disclaimers apply. All errors are ours.
