Piotr Lewandowski
Publications category:
Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in Poland
We estimate that by January 2022, vaccinations halved the number of COVID-19 deaths in Poland in 2021 as compared to what would happen if a vaccine would not be available. People aged 70 and over made up the vast majority of prevented deaths. Vaccinating people aged 70+ is a much more effective method of lowering COVID-19 mortality rates than vaccinating people of working age.
Marek Antosiewicz
J. Rodrigo Fuentes
Piotr Lewandowski
Jan Witajewski-Baltvilks
Publications category:
Distributional effects of emission pricing in a carbon-intensive economy: The case of Poland
Published in:

Energy Policy, 160, 112678

We assess the distributional impact of introducing a carbon tax in a small open economy, using the case of Poland. We use a dynamic general equilibrium model with a search mechanism in the labour market, soft-linked to a microsimulation model based on household budget survey data. We find that the distributional effects depend on the recycling of revenues. Using them to reduce labor taxation attenuates the negative effect of carbon tax on GDP and employment but increases inequality compared to a lump-sum transfer to households. This finding highlights the trade-off between efficiency and equity. Our results could be relevant for other countries producing fossil fuels, such as South Africa, Germany, or Australia.
Zuzanna Kowalik
Piotr Lewandowski
Publications category:
The gender gap in aversion to COVID-19 exposure: Evidence from professional tennis
Published in:

PLoS ONE, 16(3): e0249045

We study the gender differences in aversion to COVID-19 exposure using a natural experiment of the 2020 US Open. We find that female players were significantly more likely than male players to have withdrawn from the 2020 US Open. While players from countries characterized by relatively high levels of trust and patience and relatively low levels of risk-taking were more likely to have withdrawn than their counterparts from other countries, female players exhibited significantly higher levels of aversion to pandemic exposure than male players even after cross-country differences in preferences are accounted for. About 15% of the probability of withdrawing that is explained by our model can be attributed to gender.
Piotr Lewandowski
Katarzyna Lipowska
Iga Magda
Publications category:
The gender dimension of occupational exposure to contagion in Europe
Published in:

Feminist Economics, 27:1-2, 48-65

This study examines the gender dimension of occupational exposure to contagious diseases spread by the respiratory or close-contact route. It shows that in Europe, women are more exposed to contagion, as they are more likely than men to work in occupations that require high levels of contact and physical proximity at work. Women are also less likely to be able to work remotely, which contributes to their increased exposure. The study finds that gender is a more important factor in workers’ exposure to contagion than their education or age. This gender difference in exposure can be largely attributed to patterns of sectoral segregation and to the segregation of women within sectors into occupations that require more interpersonal interactions. Finally, results reveal heterogenous cross-country patterns in gender gaps in exposure to contagion in the workplace, with Nordic, Continental, and Baltic countries showing relatively large gender gaps to the disadvantage of women.
Piotr Lewandowski
Roma Keister
Wojciech Hardy
Szymon Górka
Publications category:
Ageing of routine jobs in Europe
Published in:

Economic Systems, 44 (4), 100816

We study how the de-routinisation of jobs affects workers at different ages in 12 European countries. The shift away from routine work and toward non-routine work occurred much faster among workers aged between 25 and 44 than among older workers. In the majority of countries, the ageing of the workforce occurred more quickly in occupations that were initially more routine-intensive, as the share of older workers in these occupations was rising and the share of young workers declining. The unemployment risk related to routine task intensity was increasing, especially among individuals between the ages of 15 and 34, and to a larger extent in countries with fast ICT capital growth and in countries not increasing their participation in global value chains.
Sara De La Rica
Lucas Gortazar
Piotr Lewandowski
Publications category:
Job tasks and wages in developed countries: evidence from PIAAC
Published in:

Labour Economics, 65, 101845

We study the empirical relationship between job tasks and wages for a harmonised sample of 19 developed countries. We use worker-level PIAAC data to account for task heterogeneity within occupations. First, we compute abstract, routine and manual task measures that are found to be well-validated visa-vis previous research. Second, we estimate task prices, and find that a one-standard-deviation increase in abstract tasks is related to a 3.3-log-point wage premium, whereas there is a 2.6 to 2.9-log-point wage penalty for each standard deviation of routine (manual) tasks. Development factors and labour market institutions, particularly union coverage and strictness of employment protection legislation, seem to play a role in the differences in all three task prices.